
▼Event Overview
▼Guidelines for Participants
▼About Catalog Sales
▼Access from Trade Center-mae Station to ATC Hall
▼Coronavirus Precautions
▼Age Verification and Purchasing Adult-Only Works
▼Timetable for General Participants
▼Event Day Guidelines

 【2024年 5月 1日更新】

The information on this page will be changed regularly.
Please pay attention for updates.

Event Overview

(Event) Name Kansai KEMOKET 9
(Event) Date May 19th (Sun.) 11:30 am - 4:00 pm
(The event timetable is subject to change)
(Event) Venue Osaka Nanko ATC Hall
Hosted by KEMOKET Executive Committee (Skypalette)

Guidelines for Participants

 Catalog Purchasing / Age Verification / Queue Instructions
アイコン Open to the public staring at 10 am. Please DO NOT come before 10 am. Catalog purchasing and age verification will also start at 10 am.

アイコン Plans call for catalog sales, age verification, queue formation to occur outdoors at 10 am. You will be guided to the location of each stage and the queue by the staff. (After the 10 am queue is cleared, catalog purchasing and age verification will move inside the ATC Hall.)

アイコン Guidance for general participants from 10 am onward assumes participants arrive from Trade Center-mae Station using the New Tram line.
Please note : If you choose a different arrival route, including walking from other stations or from parking lots, staff will not be able to provide guidance.

アイコン Queues for catalog purchases may take more time compared to those who pre-purchase catalogs. If you wish to enter with a friend who has not pre-purchased a catalog, let them know in advance of possible delays.

アイコン You can briefly leave the queue, but if you fail to return promptly, you will be asked to re-queue at the end of the line. Please confirm the location of your return yourself. (We recommend that you finish any shopping before queueing.)

アイコン After the queue line is cleared, there will be no staff guidance to ATC Hall.
Please come directly to ATC Hall.
NOTE: For directions from the Trade Center-mae station to ATC Hall, please refer to the Venue Access section.
NOTE: There will be announcement on X(formerly Twitter) after the queue is cleared.

 Age verification / Wristband
アイコン At this event, the venue requires those who wish to purchase adult-oriented works to obtain and wear a wristband. Wristband for age verification and CANNOT be used for admission. Thank you for your understanding.
アイコンObtaining a Wristband
Plans call for age verification and wristband receipt to occur after catalog purchases.
Those who wish to get a wristband on the day of the event must bring proof-of-age identification (including a passport or other government-issued ID).
アイコン Please wear wristband in a way that allows for easy visual inspection.
Please note that if you lose it, regardless of when and where you do so, you will need to repurchase the catalog and re-obtain a wristband. (You can swap a damaged wristband for a new one at the event office.)

アイコン Please display your wristband when purchasing adult content. If you are asked to re-verify your age, please promptly provide proof-of-age identification.

アイコン The transfer of wristband to others is strictly prohibited, especially to anyone under 18 years old.
If it is determined that you transferred a wristband, you will be banned from participating in future Sky Palette events.

 Handling adult-oriented Works at the Venue
アイコン The venue prohibits the display and viewing of adult content in ATC public areas (including aisles, restaurants, food courts, stores, outdoor areas, and other facilities).
Past issues with adult content at ATC has resulted in the use of wristband and these measures.
Failure to comply may result in future loss of access to this venue.

 Entry to the OFFF Venue / About B Hall
アイコン OFFF will simultaneously be held in C Hall at ATC Hall.
Only OFFF participants are allowed to enter C Hall.
Please be aware that the KEMOKET catalog DOES NOT grant you access to OFFF.

アイコン B Hall is for KEMOKET participants only during crowded times. After the crowd clears, it becomes a shared area that OFFF participants can also use.

アイコン Due to the location of the changing rooms, OFFF character participants may pass through B Hall during crowded times.
Please note that interaction and photography are not allowed at these times.

For general participants, please carefully review the rules listed below before attending.

About Catalog Sales

アイコン The catalog is required when entering A Hall. The catalog serves as your ticket, so please present it upon entry.

アイコン Please purchase the catalog at the sales counter on the day of the event.

アイコン f the catalog is sold out, admission will be free. (When admission becomes free, wristband will no longer be distributed.)
(Please note that even if admission is free, entry restrictions may be imposed due to venue congestion.)

アイコン The planned price of the catalog is 1,500 yen.

Access from Trade Center-mae Station to ATC Hall

Access from Trade Center-mae Station to ATC Hall

Coronavirus Precautions

アイコン Please obey the following COVID-19 measures for this event.

アイコン Please check for the following symptoms before attending the event on the day.
アイコン If your body temperature is over 37.5 Celsius (about 100 F).
アイコン If you have symptoms of a cold such as chills, fever, or cough.

Please DO NOT join the event if you have these symptoms.

アイコン Masking is optional but recommended.
Also, please regularly wash and disinfect your hands. Alcohol-based disinfectant will be available.

アイコン Please monitor your health and, to reduce the risk of infecting others, consider refraining from participation when any of the following conditions apply.
アイコンYou are 60 years of age or older.
アイコンYou have an underlying medical condition.
アイコンMembers of your household are at high risk of infection.
アイコンYou have NOT received any COVID-19 vaccines.

アイコン Only drinks in plastic bottles can be consumed indoors. Drink canned/packaged and non-plastic bottled drinks, and eat food outside.
Please take all trash with you.

アイコン If we, the Committee, must cancel the event due to unavoidable circumstances like natural disasters, their damage on the venue, accidents, or cancel orders from the local and national governments, or the effect of the virus infection, please keep in mind that we may not be able to reimburse you the money you paid for the catalogue.
(Note: We will do the best we can if the event is canceled, but instead of the reimbursement, we will be likely to offer you some discount for the next event as we have to pay the huge costs of the event and face the possibility of too much paperwork to give you your money back.)

Age Verification and Purchasing Adult-Only Works

アイコン Please see the section on Age Verification / Wristbands in the Event Guidelines on this page.

Timetable for General Participants

10:00 Queues from catalog sales begin.
11:30 Kansai KEMOKET 9 starts!
16:00 Kansai KEMOKET 9 ends
16:30 All general participants should leave the venue.

Event Day Guidelines

アイコン No onsite parking available. Please use public transportation.

アイコン Only open to the public staring at 10 am. Please DO NOT come before 10 am.

アイコン No place-holding for queues. Do not cut in the queue.

アイコン No loitering, hanging out, making noise, and other disruptive behavior in the ATC Hall.
No loitering, making noise or other disruptive behavior in public areas. Failure to comply will result in immediate cancellation of the event and future venue bans. PLEASE TAKE THESE REQUESTS SERIOUSLY.

アイコン Do not organize your bags or use your electronic devices in areas where crowds are present, including aisles within the venue.

アイコン General participants must have the catalogue. Please present yours to staffers at the entrance.
You must buy another again if you lost your catalogue.

アイコン Please obey all signs posted by the organizers, including No Entry, Close Doors After You, and No Photography.

アイコン Hazardous materials are strictly prohibited at the venue.

アイコン Alcohol beverages are prohibited (You may not enter the venue if drunk). Smoking is allowed only at the designated smoking area.

アイコン Accessories like ears, tails are allowed. However, if staff determines that such items are bothering other attendees, you will be asked to remove them.
No full-face costumes or masks (Clear face shields allowed).
Accessories are only to be worn inside the venue. Do not wear accessories before entering or after leaving the venue.

アイコン General participants are prohibited from selling items within the venue.

アイコン Resales is prohibited. Anyone found to be reselling items will be expelled from the venue and banned from future participation.

アイコン As a measure to prevent the coronavirus, there will be no trash bins in the venue for general participants. Please take all your garbage with you.

アイコン Please notify the Committee if you lost or found something.
After the event, please send your inquiry about your lost item through our official website.
(If nobody claims his or her lost item, we will discard it about a week after the event ended)
It may take up to a week for the Committee to check lost items as a measure to prevent the coronavirus (Please be aware that a lost item will be discarded if it is something to wear). We may not be able to respond to your inquiry in a timely manner.

アイコン All participants must take responsibility about handling their valuables.

アイコン All troubles between participants should be resolved by themselves.
However, if you suffer from or get hurt by someone’s trouble or witness it in the venue, please notify staffers near you immediately.

アイコン All participants must take responsibility about handling their valuables.

アイコン If you destroy the venue equipment, you must pay for it or repair it yourself.

アイコン Please notify staffers near you if you feel sick or get injured.

アイコン You must not use the electricity of the venue.

 Manners on Shopping 
アイコン If you purchase works, please wait for your turn by forming two rows.
Please don’t get into the next circle’s space when you wait in a line or check out your circles’ works.

アイコン If you purchase or view adult-only works and the circle decides to verify your age, please get your ID ready and present it to them.

アイコン If you want to check out a work, please tell the circle by saying “Misetekudasai (Let me check it out)”

アイコン During shopping, it’s a no-no to put your belongings or money on circles’ works.

アイコン When you purchase a work, please get change ready and avoid using large bills like 10,000 yen. If you have to, please make sure the circle has enough change.

アイコン Please don't hang out in front of circles’s space.
 In Case of Emergency 
アイコンIn case of a natural disaster, please stay put and follow staff and in-house announcements.

アイコンPlease notify staffers near you immediately if you find an accident.

アイコンCalling 119 (Fire Department) or 110 (Police) will be done by the Committee.
  Please DO NOT do that INDIVIDUALLY.

Please do obey the instructions of the staff during the event.
Thank you very much in advance for your understanding and cooperation.